Trompowsky Attack

1. d4 Nf6 2. Bg5


The Trompowsky Attack, also known as the Trompowsky Opening, is an aggressive and offbeat chess opening that starts with the moves 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5. Named after the Brazilian Grandmaster Octávio Trompowsky, this opening immediately puts pressure on Black's knight on f6, seeking to disrupt Black's natural development and provoke weaknesses. The Trompowsky Attack is favored by players who enjoy unbalanced and dynamic positions, as it often leads to rich tactical opportunities and non-standard pawn structures. This opening has been employed successfully by numerous top players, including Julian Hodgson and Antoaneta Stefanova, and it provides an excellent choice for those looking to catch their opponents off guard and steer the game into less familiar territory right from the outset.